Year in Review: 2019 was full of concerts, friends, and @BackstreetBoys

by | Dec 29, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Slideshow, Year in Review | 0 comments

I knew 2019 was going to start off great when I could say I had some Backstreet Boys events sprinkled throughout the year, but it ended up being mostly great, with just a few bad spots sprinkled throughout. 


January was January, but February started off great – heading to Las Vegas to celebrate my best friend’s 50th birthday party. Besides a few hiccups, the trip was amazing, but it was so cold in Las Vegas. Like, hella cold. Not only did Julia, Angie, and I did VIP the night we had one of the front tables, me and someone else ran into AJ after the show and talked a bit. The next day, we galavanting around Las Vegas thanks to Jess and I finally got to eat at an In-N-Out and went to Freemont Street. It was pretty damn cool. 

A few of us stayed until the Friday show where we had pit and met up with Andie and Rose (from The Darkside) and ended up at the after party afterward where I got to say a few quick words to Nick before we left. Oh and Shania Twain joined the boys on stage. It was amazing. 



March / April / May

March was a bit quiet except that my Mom broke her leg that she had amputated and ended up back in the hospital. April was busy because I was getting ready for a bit conference at work, but was able to sneak away one night when Brian had a table for me at Baylee’s show locally and I rushed there to see it. It was my first time seeing Baylee in concert and he was amazing!  At the end of the month and the beginning of May, I added Texas (San Antonio) to my list of visited places!

Also in May, Mara came up to Atlanta to see Ben Platt with Julia and the next day we ended up getting tattoos. I finally got my tattoo that Nick had written for me almost two years ago. 



June was a bit boring, but July more than made up for it. I went to Washington, D.C. for my 39th birthday to see the boys on that exact day for the opening of their DNA tour in North America. Julia was supposed to go, but couldn’t at the last minute and someone else went in her place, which I wish hadn’t of happened now, but that’s another story. Just wish Julia could have gone, but she had more important things to deal with. 

However, the concert was great and I got to see so many friends that I had no idea who were showing up. I also met some new friends that I hadn’t only see talk about BSB online and now I consider them good friends. 

The concert seats were amazing – right at the top of the stage where Nick sings “The Way It Was” and his “I see you” pointing at me just before singing. He teased me during the Meet & Greet b/c I hadn’t gotten my birthday tweet yet, and it sounds crazy, but I just felt like he was singing to me most of the song. Call me crazy, I don’t care. It was my birthday.





August came and that meant three things – Jonas Brothers, Lisa was coming, and more Backstreet Boys! 

I knew the Jonas Brothers show was going to be amazing and it sucked going along, but it was worth getting up early the next morning and going to work. I couldn’t believe that I was seeing them finally after all of these years.

Like a week later, Lisa came over from London to stay for two weeks and I took a lot of time off work to go to different places and do a lot of different things. The best part was that I was finally getting to see a Backstreet Boys concert with Julia and Lisa, which was one of my favorite things this year. No, we didn’t have VIP before the show, but we still had the best time. 




I like to call September the Month of Backstreet. 

Julia and I had pit tickets and VIP to see the boys two hours away in Birmingham on September 4, and showed up, surprised to see Nicky and Ashley there. They never tell where they are going ha! We also saw Chrissy and Amanda was with us during the show. VIP was awesome and I felt like I was ignoring Kevin because Nick and I couldn’t stop talking about my tattoo (which I had forgotten to show him in D.C. and then his and Lauren’s upcoming baby, which I think he gave him a hint to what it was since the baby turned out to be a girl. 

The show … fucking amazing. I got pregnant a few times during the show. Nick Carter definitely knows how to get me. LOL!

Two weeks later, I found myself on a flight to Pittsburgh, another new place I added this year (that makes the third!) because Stephanie asked me to join her in Pittsburgh and I wasn’t going to say no to her because she had been through so much this summer, I wanted to make sure this trip went perfectly for her and I think it did. We hung out with Emilia, Melly, and Medina and had the best time during VIP. VIP was hilarious, too, because we did a group photo. Stephanie and I also did Baylee’s VIP which was really cool. I just wish people would stop asking him questions about his Dad when he’s doing his own VIP.

The concert, again, was amazing and I got a little sad during the last song because I knew this was going to be the last time I saw them this year and who knows when. I hate not knowing. Literally hate it. 

The after party was hilarious because AJ couldn’t stop touching the inflatable autographed penis. That’s all I can say.


October, November, December

After September’s BSB shows, things got a little quiet, especially in October. 

In November I had two exciting things happen – a new Baylee show while seeing my friends and meeting Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes, better known as Jay & Silent Bob. 

Stephanie came down to Atlanta for the day to see Baylee’s show, which gave us time to hang together, and then a few more friends, including Julia, came to sit with us at Stephanie’s tables. We were so close that I thought Stephanie was going to freak out for a bit. The show was amazing. Baylee pretty much sang his whole album, which is great by the way, and Brian joined him for three songs, including “I Want It That Way” at the end to end the show. 

Baylee was impressed I skipped the Jonas Brothers for his show, which I teased him about in Pittsburgh because it was the same night as the Jonas Brothers’ second Atlanta show. I decided seeing my friends were more important, obviously. I tried to get some cruise news out of Brian and I even told him I would make him my favorite and I’d ditch Nick for him and he said that would never happen. He knows me too well. 

The following weekend was finally the weekend I would meet one of my idols – Kevin Smith. They were doing their VIPs through Wonderful Union, so I was happy to see that because any other company just makes me nervous. After watching “Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back: The Reboot,” Kevin and Jay took questions and I was the first to ask something. They were literally right in front of me. Jay even came down and put his head on my shoulder while I was asking the question. 

Afterwards, we went to do our VIP pictures and Kevin told me that I had such a great question and I got to tell him how he inspired me to go into video production in college. 



And honestly, that’s all there was to 2019. It was a lot busier than last year. There was a lot of good things, a few bad things like my Mom in the hospital again and being hurt by someone you thought was your friend, but in the end, I guess it just makes you, like Kelly Clarkson says, stronger. 

So far in 2019, I have a Mandy Moore concert, seeing Niall Horan in concert, and a trip to Phoenix for work. It would be nice to add something Backstreet Boys related. Hint. Hint. 




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