Thoughts: The ‘Pretty’ Boys in the Band

by | Nov 21, 2020 | AJ McLean, Backstreet Boys, Kevin Richardson, Music, Opinion, Thoughts | 2 comments

After scrapping many drafts for BSBFangirls in the last few months, AJ’s tweet on Harry Styles sporting a feminine Gucci dress on the cover of Vogue magazine is what motivated me to write the following. 

As many fangirls would know, AJ has shown off his own love for makeup and avant-garde clothing in all the years that we’ve known him. I don’t know anything about Harry Styles but I applaud him for going against social conventions. You do you, boo.

This brings me to another boy in a band who also has been known to wear some shocking items over the years. His name is Dave Navarro and he’s a badass guitarist in a famous rock band called Jane’s Addiction. They were quite popular in the late 80s/early 90s and were known for such hits as ‘Jane Says’ and ‘Been Caught Stealing’. Jane’s Addiction has gone through a series of breakups but at the time that this article is being published, they’re active and have an album slated for 2021 which makes me happy. Dave also played for a short time with Red Hot Chili Peppers. In fact, he’s appeared on many different artists’ tracks over the years. The first one that comes to my mind is Christina Aguilera’s ‘Fighter’. Dave also went on to do a solo thing that went virtually nowhere (it’s a shame because his record ‘Trust No One’ is amazing). You might also know Dave as Carmen Electra’s ex-husband. They were married for a few years before parting ways in the early 2000s.  Most recently, he’s most recently appeared as a judge on all 13 seasons of the popular televised series, Ink Master.

Anyway, during quarantine I’ve been listening to a lot of Jane’s Addiction and watching Ink Master to pass the time. My preference in music has always been towards rock music. I also happen to like pretty boy dark-haired musicians who are close to age 50. 

When AJ posted his tweet, all I could think about was my man Dave, as he once modeled in a 1997 Anna Sui fashion complete in guy liner and a feminine camisole. This wouldn’t be the first time he’s done something of the sort either. I thought this look was so hot and I didn’t feel weird about a man sporting this type of attire because I think it takes a pretty ballsy man to pull this off.

This brought me back to memories of Kevin wearing a skirt at VH1’s “Men Strike Back” back in 2000. Didn’t we all love that look? If I remember correctly, he also had his nails painted black for the occasion.

I’m not sure what changed but it feels like everyone has a bone to pick with everything that other people do. Who cares if Harry/AJ/Dave/Kevin want to wear some lipstick for the hell of it? I don’t think it makes them any less masculine and I’m sure that the single ones are still getting pussy left and right despite their love of feminine items. Everyone has their quirks and that’s what makes them unique. Worry about yourself and do what you want to do. Fuck the haters.


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