Site Updates: New Staff + Things To Come

by | May 19, 2020 | Site News | 0 comments

Hey everybody!

We were just celebrating the 21st anniversary of “Millennium” yesterday and before you know it, this dreadful Spring/Summer will be over with and we’re going to be looking at fall. 

But first, we have some updates!

We are happy to announce that Emilia who you may know from Kaos Online is joining the site as a writer! Emilia and I have known of one another and been online in the fandom circle for a long time and we got to meet and hang out finally back in Pittsburgh last summer! She’s a good writer, so look for some cool things from her! Make sure you follow her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

Soon you will see that we will have a little merchandise on the site, designed by the crazy talented Britt + Kelsey! You’ll hear more about that later! But if you saw the crazy cool coffee cop they made me recently and sent me, that’s a tease! Check out my Instagram here

Lately, we’ve been getting some #AskTheFangirls that are kind of repetitive and while we love answering your questions, please check out our previous posts to see if they’ve already been answered by clicking here. Got a question? Send them here

Look for a few fun things this weekend we hope those here in America that celebrate, have a fab Memorial Day!


About Us

We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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