Coping with #Coronavirus with @BackstreetBoys

by | Mar 20, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Feelings, Guest Blogger | 0 comments

Is anyone at this point thinking, “Hey COVID -19, Quit Play Games with My Heart,”? I know many people would rather be home thinking let’s have a party but we need to stay home and just Roll with It for now and protect our DNA.

As a mental health counselor and fellow BSB fangirl, I know everything that is going on is likely to cause additional stressors with your life,  your families, and your friends.

There are many variables out of our control right now, but there are things YOU can do to help yourself, your friends, and your families, and fellow humans.

Your feelings may be larger than life,  so you can try some of these BSB-oriented strategies:

  • You can sing your favorite BSB jams, but especially the chorus 2x while washing your hands;
  • Create a playlist of all the songs that take you mentally to your happy place. For me one of them definitely is at a Backstreet Boys concert;
  • Take a bubble bath, and play some BSB jams;
  • Work on BSB projects such as: Organize your BSB photos, work on a photobook of your DNA or Vegas residency pictures, scrapbooking, or even better make a BSB vision board for all your upcoming BSB plans ;
  • Watch some of your personal BSB videos and photos between your phone and computer!! Or you can even check out YouTube!
  • Hobbies – We all have our own specialties and some of them can be BSB focused, such as drawing pictures of the boys or creating custom BSB products;
  • Dance around to your favorite song; and
  • You can use this time to reconnect with some other BSB friends over Twitter IG, Messenger, or FaceTime, or texts/phone;

And BSB friends remember, BSB is one of the safest places to hide for us, so while social distancing is not necessarily fun, it is needed for now and we can use this time to refocus our minds and hearts and love for BSB for course!

I hope you found this helpful, and if you have other ways of coping with all this with BSB, please share!

Take care,


About Dawn

I currently am living in Key West, FL working as a School Military and Family Life Counselor helping young kids cope with their everyday stressors. I love helping them and sometimes find a way to share BSB with them. I love sharing BSB with people and look forward to sharing some more blogs with you.

Follow her on Twitter at @iiDawnii

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