Ask The Fangirl: What are your favorite @BackstreetBoys cruise memories?

by | Feb 7, 2020 | Ask The Fangirl, Backstreet Boys, Cruise | 1 comment

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Question: How many cruises has everyone been on? What were your top 3 or 5 memories? – Ralph


I’ve been on 3. My favorite memory has to be dancing on stage with Kevin during my first and last cruise. Number 2 is running into Howie while getting pizza at like 3 a.m. Number 3 would be Nick telling me how pretty I looked in my wedding dress during white night. I had it chopped in half for that occasion but he was all like, “Is that a wedding dress?! You look awesome!”


I have been on 2 cruises. I am not sure if this counts, BUT one of my absolute favorite nights (in my life, not just a BSB event) was the pre-cruise party at Cameo the night before the 2011 cruise. My sister and I bought seats at a VIP table and had bottle service all night. AJ also did his “bachelor party striptease” on a pole about 6 inches from my face. Most of my sister’s video of this moment is just me, repeatedly saying, “OMG! OMG! Are you recording this? OMG! I can’t believe this is happening. OMG! Are you SURE you are recording this?” 


I’ve been on 4 (2011, 2014, 2016, 2018). My favorite memory is probably winning the trivia game with Nick on the 2018 cruise, but also the Spynkter night on the 2011 Backstreet Boys cruise. Being the elevator operator randomly on the European cruise the last night of the trip, taking different Backstreet Boys from floor to floor. ABC night on the 2014 cruise will always be amazing.



I’ve been on 3 (2011, 2013, 2014). In no particular order these memories come to mind:

1. Drinking in VIP with Howie, while Justin poured more Grey Goose in my cup when I wasn’t looking.
2. Running into Nick at the Miami airport Starbucks.
3. Singing karaoke with all of the guys.
4. Deciding to randomly gamble one afternoon and finding Nick also randomly gambling.


 I have yet to go on a cruise. But I have watched a lot of videos from my friends who have been on them. My #1 favorite was in 2010 when Nick goes to the mens room during the Q&A and Brian’s laugh about it. #2 is Kevin crying during “The Perfect Fan” 2018 and #3 hearing “Climbing the Walls” again 2018.


I haven’t been on a BSB Cruise yet. I still feel the FOMO ???? I am hoping for a new cruise announcement soon ????????????????


Fun fact: I have yet to be on a cruise (any cruise ever) because I have anxiety and afraid of being sick the entire time. I have all my amazing friends here who have officially convinced me to go on the next one. So, next cruise will finally be it once it’s announced!

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