5 things you missed by not going to see three @BackstreetBoys at Fanboy Expo in Knoxville

by | Jul 5, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Concert Reviews, Exclusives, Pop Music | 0 comments

Unless you are living under a rock, you probably already knew that Nick Carter, AJ McLean and Howie Dorough came to the South last weekend to Knoxville, Tennessee, the home of the University of Tennessee Volunteers and possibly the hottest convention center ever.

Yeah, Nelly should have been in there singing “Hot In Herrre” because it was hot, muggy and steamy.

But enough about that, right?

If you weren’t in Knoxville, there’s a few things you might have missed and we’re here to break it down.


Howie was the only Backstreet Boy to be at the event all three days after Nick and AJ had flight troubles on Friday and were unable to make it. According to fans who were there Friday, Howie cleaned up and stayed busy for most of the day.

Howie was also sometimes the shining light of laughter during the panel on Saturday, sitting between Nick and AJ, causing the crowd to giggle a lot with his answers.

Everybody loves Howie D.



There wasn’t a minute when there wasn’t a kid meeting the Backstreet Boys. If it wasn’t little girls fawning over Nick Carter, it was little boys talking to AJ and Howie about everything from Mickey Mouse to super heroes. Kids are definitely taking after their parents.

We even got our girl Lacy’s daughter birthday wishes from Nick and AJ and she found the videos early and made her own video for them. Click here to see it!

Parents are definitely teaching their kids right nowadays!


This might have been the biggest breaking news of the entire panel. It was well known, especially back in 2011 when the Backstreet Boys performed the Mutt Lange-written and produced song, “If You Want It To Be Good Girl (Get Yourself A Bad Boy),” after it was voted on by fans, that the guys weren’t a fan of the song. They didn’t even perform the entire song on the cruise, but apparently Mr. Carter has changed his mind.



According to boys, the album should be finished in the next week, week and a half. Which at this point almost a week since they said that. What that means? We don’t know, but AJ did say that they were shooting for an October release for album #1. Even Brian has said in interviews that they were wanting to release two albums this year.


While it wasn’t anything new, we did get a little sneak behind the boys now-famous “Three Amigos” skit that they Instagram’d before the Fallon taping. Nick said that he, AJ and Howie really are like the three amigos – they were the first three Backstreet Boys.

And then they performed the skit again.


Other tidbits:

  • Nick realized on the cruise that he should perform “I Need You Tonight” more after seeing fans “crying and shit” in the audience.
  • AJ told me he didn’t know who Waylon Jennings was two weeks ago, but now he does.
  • Howie no longer owns the hotel in his father’s hometown in South Georgia.

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