Personal: The leap has been taken … I’ve published something

by | Mar 25, 2018 | Books, Karah's Books, Personal, Writing | 0 comments

Guys, my first published story is now up for pre-order. Right now it’s only on Kindle, but I am going to be looking into other formats and possibly in book form.

If you have a service that you like to use instead of Kindle and Amazon, let me know and I’ll look into publishing there.

Nothing Like This” is basically the story of two best friends – a guy and a girl – and what happens when their friendship goes somewhere it never went before.

I will be having other stories up after I edit them and settle on some things. A few will be rewritten and I hope to have one up soon that has never been published before, even online. I know that I have tried doing this before, but I feel as if I’m at the right place in my life to take that leap.

And don’t worry. I will not be pushing this down anybody’s throat or constantly posting about it on here. That’s not what this site is about. 🙂

Note: I decided against using my real last name due to other reasons, but took another last name that means a lot to me. 




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