Personal: Taking the leap with my writing

by | Mar 18, 2018 | Feelings, Personal, Thoughts, Writing | 1 comment

So I think I’m going to take that leap for real this time and I’m not joking around. 

Until further notice, my old fan fiction stories are not going to be on the site. Why? One reason – I’m going to try to put something together to publish.

I may take some of my older story plots, ideas, characters to merge into one story and I want to make sure that’s not creatively and honestly. So in order to do that, I want my older stories offline.

I know some may not like that and I’m sorry, but I feel like I need to do this for myself. I may not even have a pen name if I ever decide to publish it and if I do, I will post here first.

This is just something I want to do. I hope everybody understands. I will keep the memberships here on the site for those that signed up in case I decide this is a bad idea and bring back the stories on here for what they are – sappy fan fiction about a boy band.

You can keep up with anything to do with my stories on my twitter, @Princess_Karah. If you want, you can tell me what you loved about them and what you hated. Maybe it’ll inspire and make this better 🙂

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