Throwback Thursday: A little acapella on the 2011 @BackstreetBoys cruise

by | Mar 1, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Cruise, Music, Pop Music, Throwback Thursday, Videos | 0 comments

[AdSense-A] If you weren’t aware, Kevin Richardson made a surprise appearance in the Bahamas on the 2011 Backstreet Boys cruise. It was the first real hint that Kevin was coming back to the group, which was confirmed a few months later on the NKOTBSB cruise in London.

But while on stage for the beach party in Nassau, Kevin joined Nick, Brian, Howie and AJ in singing one of their most soulful songs, “Safest Place to Hide.”

Check out my video from that moment on the cruise where we just knew everything would be right again.


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