Thoughts: As @BackstreetBoys fans, we should be very thankful

by | Feb 27, 2018 | #BSB25, Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Feelings, Music, Thoughts | 0 comments

Over the past few days, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. First off, I watched “Chapter 27” with Jared Leto and Lindsay Lohan. 

Your first question is probably, “what?” and “what does this have to do with BSB?”

“Chapter 27” is about Mark David Chapman, a man originally from Georgia, who lived in Hawaii and went to New York City to meet Beatles legend John Lennon. Not only did he meet him, he killed him in cold blood, just hours after getting his autograph.  Again, you probably ask, “what?” but it made me thankful that because of that kind of situations in the past, we still have that one-on-one access with the boys. Maybe if Lennon had his very own Mike or Drew, that would have never happened, but it just made me think.

[AdSense-A]I think a lot of Backstreet Boys fans take all of this for granted – the VIPs, the concerts, the Vegas shows, the TV appearances, and all of the tweets that we constantly get. We get to see a glimpse into their lives because of social media, especially Instagram, and I, for one, am thankful. We get to see their children grow up from little newborns to 15-year-olds getting their learning permits.

We should be thankful that the boys are still together after almost 25 years. We’ve watched other boy bands break up and go their separate ways, or go on a hiatus that has lasted 15 years. We get to smile and stand with pride when someone brings up 90s boy bands because you can say your boys have never left, even if their hit song claims they are “back again.”

We should be thankful that the boys want to take part in this cruises and meet each and every fan that they can. Other groups only meet and take photos with fans ten at a time, while the boys do so one-on-one, giving each fan attention and love.

Maybe this post is mushy, but I just felt like sharing reasons why we need to be thankful for the five guys who have stolen our heart.

So next time you feel like complaining about something dealing with the Backstreet Boys, be thankful that they are still here for us. We could have been one of those fans that lost their musical love but we haven’t. They are still here for us.

And for that, I’m thankful.


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