Playlist: ’90s songs that we must hear on #BSBCruise2018

by | Feb 24, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Country Music, Cruise, Guest Blogger, Music, Playlist, Pop Music | 0 comments

As you know, we’re going to have ’90s night on the 2018 Backstreet Boys cruise and while a lot of people are thinking about what kind of outfit they are going to wear, Kimberly from BSBCruiseVlog and I are worried about the music the DJ will play.

There better be some Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men, TLC, En Vogue and by golly, some Backstreet Boys!

Take a list of the combined playlist that we put together for our BSB Cruise Vlog webcast. We go into more detail on there. It’s one of the first topics of discussion.

What songs do you want to hear?

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