Thoughts: When life gives you lemons … forget it, I don’t like lemonade

by | Feb 6, 2018 | Feelings, Rambling, Thoughts | 0 comments

Yeah, I don’t like lemonade – the drink or the Beyonce album. I just couldn’t think of another way to start this blog post because it’s really just going to be a lot of blabbing. 

I kind of stopped taking one of my medications because of insurance problems and it’s the one that makes me feel better that I started a few years ago when I found out I had fibromyalgia. So this weekend, I could barely move. It hurt to move. I hurt so bad that Sunday, I barely left my bed.

Saturday however, I went to Old Navy while waiting on my mother to finish dialysis and tried on a pair of jeans. I’ve never owned a pair of Old Navy jeans b/c they only came up to a certain size in stores.

I tried on a pair and they fit. I’ve lost that much weight that I can wear Old Navy jeans from the store. I bought two pair for $12 each with their big sale.

And a bunch of stuff has been going on at work and just making me think about crap.  Stuff I can’t talk about or how I’m feeling or anything.

But, the bright side is that Julia and I are going to see the premiere of “Fifty Shades Freed” tomorrow in downtown Atlanta. I got two passes from the radio station here and so I’m hella excited about that. It’s going to be a long day, but it’ll be worth it.

As of right now, I won’t be going to Vegas. I have the cruise that I’m still barely able to pay for at that and god I hope I can get my Georgia tax return so I can finish paying it off. It’s taking it’s time this year and the cruise needs to be paid off by March 15. Yes, I worry about everything. I mean, my Mom had her rides set back up so that I didn’t have to leave work, pick her up at dialysis and take her home before going back to work. Today was the first day she had her rides back.

They didn’t come pick her up so I had to leave work and I just about broke down because I don’t know how much longer I can do all of this. I’m losing who I am. I don’t feel like myself anymore and I just feel like I’m falling back into this deep, dark home. If it’s not work, it’s running around for her and when do I take care of me? That sounds like such a bitchy thing to say, but this is why my blood sugar got so out of control – I didn’t take care of myself.

See this post is nothing but blabbing. Just blabbing. I’ll try to have less blabbing soon. Promise. LOL

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