Happy Birthday, @NickCarter … this is your day

by | Jan 27, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Feelings, Nick Carter, Thoughts | 0 comments

Dear Nick,

Almost 20 years ago, you changed my life for the better. We have both had our ups and downs over the past two decades, but you have always played a big part in everything I’ve done, I’ve achieved and become.

You deserve happiness and everything great that happens to you, especially on this day. We have two more years until we hit that big 4-0 so we have to make the most of our last two years in our 30s.

You have become such a great husband and father and all-around person and I have never, ever been more proud of you than I am today. You know I have your back through thick and thin, ups and downs, and whatever else is thrown your way.

I’m proud to be your fan, forever and for always.

Love you, dude.

Karah <3

P.S. As a little thing, I had fans of the site send in words to describe you and these were the most commonly used. I think they show just how much people love you.

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