The day Backstreet Boys and Florida Georgia Line almost killed me with happiness…

by | Apr 4, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Country Music, Feelings, Music, Pop Music, Rambling, Thoughts | 0 comments


On Sunday, April 2, 2017, I, Karah-Leigh, was probably the happiest girl in the whole wide world. Why? Because my all-time favorite group – Backstreet Boys – were at the Academy of Country Music Awards and they were performing with one of my other favorite groups – Florida Georgia Line.

But first, let’s go back a bit. 

I used to write fan fiction and one of the common themes in my Backstreet Boys fan fiction was country music. Whether the girl in the story was a country singer or whatever, it was a common theme. People like Rascal Flatts or Faith Hill and Tim McGraw would show up in them randomly. Country music is probably my favorite type of music if I had to pick one. I grew up in South Georgia, the same area that gave us Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean, Thomas Rhett and his father Rhett Akins. I grew up calling Reba McEntire my pretend mother and Garth Brooks my pretend father. My heart bleeds country music.

Country music and boy bands – specifically, three guys from Florida and two from Kentucky.

One of my biggest dreams was to see the Backstreet Boys do something country and I got to experience that when BK and Tyler decided to record a duet with them.

But Sunday… Sunday was just a day of T-total fangirling. I mean, I was fangirling harder than Tim McGraw and did you see that dude? He was fan-girl-ing.

Tim McGraw – the “Indian Outlaw,” “Live Like You Were Dyin'” – Timothy freakin’ McGraw was all INTO Florida Georgia Line – one of his recent duet partners in crime – dancing to “Everybody.”

Even though I wasn’t in Las Vegas, nor was I front row for this glorious moment, I felt exactly what Tim McGraw was feeling.

Pure, sweet happiness that only things that mean the world to you can make you feel.

Two years ago I wrote a post on what was Boys on the Block at the time about five duet partners the boys should have on their next album. Four of the five artists are country singers (with two being country/pop). One of those is Rascal Flatts who I know Nick has liked for a few years. I remember slighty freaking at the fact that he followed them on Twitter.

And the boys were so well received in the country industry that it made my heart swell. I mean, let’s face it, for a while there, people treated the boys as has-beens, whether we fans believed that or not. “Oh, you like the Backstreet Boys?” [insert snort] Yeah, no longer do people do that because the boys are back to their glory like they should have been all along. After the Beyonce criticism last year that she wasn’t “country” (even though the girl is from Houston, Texas, ya’ll), I was nervous.

But nope, the boys were the stars of the show, which is how they always should be.

They had Keith Urban singing and dancing along.

So Backstreet Boys and Florida Georgia Line, thank you for making this girl who grew up on the Georgia Florida state line the happiest girl in the whole world Sunday.

And BSB, seriously, do something else country – pretty please.

Thanks to The DarkSide for uploading the video!

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