This, that and ‘Viva Las Backstreet!’

by | Mar 12, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Feelings, Thoughts | 0 comments

It’s been a minute since I wrote a real blog post on here. So I’ll try to catch everybody up on what’s going.

  1. I started a part-time job at a plus-size clothing store that I wear a lot of their clothing. Trust me, the discount was amazing and to be honest, I probably spent everything I made there on clothes, but I think that’s over after a little over a month. The person that hired me left and now people can’t get their schedules straight and they keep trying to get me to work during the week and when I was hired, I only said weekends. Nothing comes before my main career. That’s why I’ve mostly been away.
  2. When I haven’t been working the past month, I’ve been sleeping because apparently with Fibromyalgia, working retail is not good for you. That was another factor in it. It was starting to affect my life, my other job, and I just had no “Karah” time. I was really, really starting to lose myself.
  3. In fact, I’ve been questioning that a lot lately. If I’m not writing, or blogging, or on top of the latest Backstreet news, who am I? Especially when it comes to writing because I’m on top of everything BSB, I just don’t have the energy to blog. I usually tweet.
  4. Backstreet Boys have taken over Vegas and I cannot wait until June. I’ll be going to the first three shows in June – 15, 16 and 17. Originally it was the 14th, but they had to change the date and now I’ll be going alone because Mara had already gotten tickets to something else. My first BSB show alone. I’m a little nervous, but I know people who will be there, so it will be okay. I have VIP seats two nights and pit one night so I’m ready. After the year I’ve had, I feel like I deserve it.
  5. I know I haven’t been blogging all about Vegas. I write things for, but it’s nothing like I used to do here and I’ve been missing it. But there’s so many sites and blogs who are doing such great jobs at those things. I feel like maybe I can be useful doing other things. The videos seem to be popular that I’ve been making for the guys and I have started one for the boys’ anniversary. I have an idea to do another TV show intro like I did with the boys and “Friends” so I just have to sit down and do it. Maybe next weekend.
  6. My mom may end up losing her leg still, but we don’t know much about it yet. Is it sad that if that happens, I’ll feel like I’ll never have a life of my own again? I mean, I’m so damn thankful she’s still here, but  am I supposed to give up my life for her? What happens to me when she does leave me? Does that even make sense? These are the things that’s been messing with my head lately. I’ve been having really bad anxiety attacks over it.

And that’s pretty much what I’ve been up to. It’s not exciting, at least not in a good way.

Is it time for Vegas yet?

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