#ProjectCarter – Let’s get Nick’s birthday video going!

by | Jan 9, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Exclusives, Project | 2 comments

If you took part in AJ’s birthday video, you know what this is about.

You can click here to see AJ’s birthday video project over on the Backstreet Boys fan club.

The next birthday boy is Mr. Nick Carter, so it’s the same thing we did for AJ.

You can submit:

  • Write a short message (less than 75 words)
  • Share a short memory (100 words limit)
  • Send in selfies or photos with him (4 max)
  •  Send in a video message (1 minute limit)
  •  Share photos of tattoos or piece of artwork you’ve done

You can tweet the photos to @BSBFangirls on Twitter, or email everything else (photos, video, etc) to [email protected].


  • Yes you can submit a video and a few photos, or photos and a message. Take a look at AJ’s to see what’s up.
  • Make sure you tell us how you want your name to be credited.

Deadline is January 26 at 10 p.m. EST.

*All entries are subject to editing*

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