Thoughts: 2016 holiday blues are in full effect

by | Nov 27, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Feelings, Personal, Thoughts | 0 comments

holiday-bluesFor anybody that knows me well enough, they know that I pretty much hate the holidays.  I’m not a fan of them. When I was a kid, I was all about it. My cousins would come over and my Granny would cook and we’d play with our new toys and it was just fun. I remember when I first got my Nintendo, we sat in front of the TV for about 8 hours nonstop.

After my Granny died, that all kind of stopped.

When the depression first started, I didn’t really care anymore.

Until we moved, we didn’t have a Christmas tree for a long time. Now we just have one of them small ones because there’s rarely Christmas presents under it. We’ve just kind of stopped doing that, too. Although my mom did get me a Garmin last year so I wouldn’t be on my phone while learning my way around metro Atlanta.

I’m trying to be a little bit more thankful this year and in the holiday spirit after what all happened with my Mom this year. I’m TRYING. And in recent years, I probably should have and would have been more in the mood, but with the depression sitting back in, it’s hard.

I didn’t do the Black Friday thing this year because I couldn’t. I wasn’t into it. I worked on Thanksgiving, and will have Christmas and New Years off.

The girl that hates the holidays is in charge of Secret Santa at work, too.

Like I told them, I never said I didn’t like gifts.

This year is about to come to an end and my goal for 2017 is get back to blogging like I once did. No, I don’t want to try to post news before someone else or a video before some one else, but I want to blog more. A lot more. I miss writing. Lately I’ve found myself missing fan fiction, but I know those days have passed.

I just really need to get back to being me again. It’s just hard when you’re under the amount of stress I’m under. So when I get time, I’m trying to finish uploading videos I ripped from DVDs that I burned from my VHS tapes over the past year. When I have time. And I don’t have much.

Just feeling blah.

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