Thank you Jesus! My fangirling dreams of @BackstreetBoys going country is coming true! Sorta…

by | Nov 21, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Country Music, Feelings, Music, News, Pop Music | 0 comments


Let’s be clear, I’ve always been a country music fan and probably always will be, even if I’m not too crazy with some of the artists right now. But since 1998, when I became a Backstreet Boys fan, I’ve dreamed of them doing something country. 

In 2001, they released “Drowning” and had two country versions. Once at like 4:30 a.m., I saw “Drowning” on CMT. I was so confused because I was flipping the channel and saw Howie and paused.

In August, Florida Georgia Line released their third album, “Diggin’ Our Roots” and featured Backstreet Boys on a song called, “God, Your Mama and Me.” I love, love, love, love the song. I’ve been a fan of Florida Georgia Line since they first came out with “Cruise.” I got to interview Tyler and got to watch one of their concerts from the side of the stage with Tyler and Brian’s family.

Last night at the American Music Awards, the boys announced that “God, Your Mama and Me” was going to be the third single off their latest album after the chart-topping hits “H.O.L.Y” and “May We All,” which features another favorite artist of mine, Tim McGraw.

They even mentioned a music video.

Do you know what this means? This means my mind has exploded.


According to friends who have Sirius XM, they are already playing “GYMAM” on the country stations. Now all this means more than just the boys being on country radio.

This means they’ll be up for country music awards – ACMs, CMAs, CMT Awards and yes, even Grammy’s.


Sorry, I just can’t stop fangirling. This is the ultimate fangirling post.

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