How the @BackstreetBoys are keeping me sane during one of the worst periods of my life

by | Jun 9, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Feelings, Personal, Thoughts | 4 comments

This past week has been one of the worst weeks of my entire life.

Last Friday, I had to bring my Mom to the ER and before I knew it, Saturday morning she was in surgery. Because of the strong IV pain medicine, her kidney’s started working less and the drugs built up in her system and she was completely drugged, speech slurred, doing nothing for herself. She called me somehow at work on Tuesday and I got so upset, that I had to leave work and was out all day yesterday.

The one thing in my life keeping me sane? My friends and Backstreet Boys. And I met those friends because of Backstreet Boys.

Back to the hospital I go…

A photo posted by Karah-Leigh (@karahleigh) on


I’ve been wearing my Backstreet Boys t-shirts to the hospital, watching Nick’s “Dead 7” on DVD on my laptop, watching YouTube videos and re-reading some of my old fan fiction over at

Omg @nickcarter @skulleeroz @howie_dorough @laurenkittcarter @iamerikestrada @realjoeyfatone #dead7

A photo posted by Karah-Leigh (@karahleigh) on


I don’t really have anybody else but my mother. There is no one else. I have aunts and uncles and cousins and all of that, but they have their own lives. So if something were to happen to my Mom, that’s it. It’s just me. And I’m not ready for that yet.

And the boys have kept me sane. They’ve been there for me so many times without even knowing it and right now they have been here for me, helping me when they didn’t even know it.

Thanks Backstreet Boys. <3 I’ll always be the perfect fan. Er, that sounds egotistical, but ya’ll get what I was tryin’ to do, right?


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