18 years of being a @BackstreetBoys fans and dreams coming true

by | May 1, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Feelings, Thoughts | 0 comments

Two years ago today, I started the site that lead to this site – Boys on the Block. The idea came from my former boss who was impressed that I knew about Nick Carter and Jordan Knight’s secret duo partnership before it was announced and the fact that I was asked to be on their Good Morning America chat and on the Huffington Post. 

Since then, a lot has changed. I’ve moved twice… I have a new, more demanding job and I don’t have as much free time as I used to have. Plus, I’ve been dealing with health issues that if someone were to look at me, they would never be able to tell that sometimes I don’t have the energy to walk into my apartment at the end of a normal 8-hour work day.

And today, I celebrate 18 years of being a Backstreet Boys fan. It’s scary to think about the fact that I graduated high school almost 18 years ago, but if it hadn’t of been for seeing Backstreet Boys that night in Orlando at Disney World, I have no idea where I would be. They led me to my love of the Internet, to writing, which led to me becoming a journalist. Because of the Backstreet Boys, I taught myself HTML, Photoshop, all of the stuff I ended up going to school for.

They will probably never know how much they changed my life. Sure, Nick knows what he has done for me, helping me realize I needed to go back to school after I dropped out and went into a really deep depression, but still.

And I’ll be celebrating my 18th Backstreet Boys anniversary in Europe with them on the cruise. I still can’t believe I’m doing this. I still can’t believe it’s about to become real. A week from today, I fly to Barcelona. I never once thought I would get to go to France or Italy.

I want to update this site more, with fangirlish stuff, but it’s been hard lately. I’m going to try to update a few more times this week before the cruise next week.

But… happy anniversary site and happy anniversary Backstreet Boys <3

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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