You would think that coming up with the money for a European Backstreet Boys cruise would be the hard part of the whole idea. In fact, it wasn’t. For the first time, I paid my cruise off way before the deadline of even doing so.
The hard part? Deciding what to buy and take with me…. and packing.
This weekend I did a lot of shopping. Hello income tax return. I bought a new dress, some boyfriend cropped jeans, some shorts, some summery tops and even a few things for work.
And yet, I still feel like I don’t know what I’m going to take with me.

One of the outfits I got… a long flowy thingy (no idea what it’s called LOL!)
I have all three of four known cruise themes done. I just need to get my “In A World Like This” outfit taken up because I ordered it too big, but that’s it. In fact, I had my Casino Royale outfit since November! I bought a dress and knew I would use it for SOMETHING on the cruise.
We won’t even talk movie night… I’ve changed my mind twice and I’m sticking to the final idea that I’ve had because it’s going to be LEGENDARY! Good day mate!
I guess it comes down to it, I’m worried about a swimsuit. Let’s face it, I’m fat. I’ve always had weight problems and the past five years I’ve been up and down. Right now I’m down a little more (figured that out this weekend when I went shopping!). The past two times I didn’t even touch a swimsuit. I took one, but I ended up in the ocean with my shorts and tank top in 2014.
And then there’s the whole packing situation. I’m flying to Miami on Southwest which gives you two free checked bags. But my flight to Barcelona, which is another major airline, only has one free checked bag and I’m paranoid because I always always over pack. I’m the type of person that never knows what she’s going to feel like wearing until I wake up. So I have one big suitcase and a smaller one that should be able to be a carry on, but I’m paranoid about it.
I’m a very paranoid person.
We now have less than three months until this cruise and while I’m so busy at work that I barely have time to breath, I’m starting to freak out at the little details.
I was freaked out over the three unpaid days I’m having to take off of work (I don’t get vacation until I’ve been at my job for a year – which is August), but now it has moved on to packing and what I’m taking.