Exclusive: AJ McLean (@skulleeroz) talks to us about upcoming single and music video

by | Feb 25, 2015 | Exclusives, News | 0 comments


BOTB managed to have a quick catch up with Backstreet Boy AJ McLean today, whilst on the Backstreet Boys promotional trip to the UK for the bands new docu-movie ‘Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of’.

The Movie debuts 26th February in cinemas across Europe, and we caught up with him for a quick chat after rehearsals for the bands premiere, which includes a five-song performance at the Dominion Theater in London after the movie is played out across the globe.

Asking about his new single, AJ was excited to tell us about the plans he has. It includes some “Explosions… blowing up police cars…” for the music video. Excitedly, he also told us it would take around 3 days to make, and that there may also be a chance for fans to take part too. Saturday we should see some more news that will explain more about how we can all take part, as well as news on the charity he is hoping to start.

AJ also mentioned how he hopes the single will drop in April, with a second single to follow, and the album release in August. He also hopes to tour later on, and take it world wide.

Personally, we can’t wait for AJ’s new album. Just hearing him talk about it is exciting enough. We predict big things to come from AJ, and we wish him the best of luck!

Backstreet Boys debut ‘Show ‘Em What You’re Made off’ Tomorrow at London’s Dominion Theater, complete with a five song performance afterwards. Tickets are still available HERE

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