News: A @BackstreetBoys song in “Magic Mike XXL” (@MagicMikeMovie)?

by | May 24, 2015 | News | 5 comments

According to Joe Manganiello, better known as Alcide from “True Blood,” there may be a familiar song in the upcoming “Magic Mike XXL” movie.

The sequel to the hit movie “Magic Mike” was filmed last summer in the south, and a lot in Georgia.

Manganiello, who plays Big D*** Richie in the movie, talked to and spilled some secrets.

Can you talk about your big routine in the move?
JM: Donald Glover sings for me during my routine. Jada is a part of my routine. We got Trent Reznor to give us Nine Inch Nails’ “Closer.” That’s my routine.

That’s a great song.
JM: Oh yeah, Donald is going to sing a cover of a Bruno Mars song for me also. A little bit of everything, and I will tear away my tuxedo. . . . I’m actually so happy. I think the really big difference in this movie and the first movie is the music budget. We’re not necessarily a tiny indie film anymore. We get whatever music we want. That was the first choice; I love Trent, and Nine Inch Nails is probably my favorite band ever, so I get to do the routine to that. And I also have another dance routine that comes earlier in the movie to a Backstreet Boys song. So yeah, we’ve got some pretty amazing things.

Which Backstreet Boys song?
JM: The greatest Backstreet Boys song of all time: “I Want It That Way.”

Which Backstreet Boy would you be?
JM: Maybe A.J. He’s kind of the bad boy. He’s actually a friend of mine, so it’s really funny that I’m doing their song for this movie.

“Magic Mike XXL” comes out July 1, 2015 and also stars Channing Tatum and Matt Bomer. Just in time for Independence Day.

God bless America.

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