Video: ‘Magic Mike XXL’ star @JoeManganiello discusses his @BackstreetBoys love

by | Jun 21, 2015 | News, Videos | 0 comments

Don’t count former “True Blood” werewolf and “Magic Mike” star Joe Manganiello as a closet Backstreet Boys fan. In fact, he says he owns it.

Joe spoke with E! News about how his character in the upcoming “Magic Mike XXL” is a big fan of the Backstreet Boys and it’s through that love of the group that his character becomes a great dancer.

And it was Joe himself that picked the music and band for the movie to use, because as he says, he’s a big fan of five-part harmony (not boy bands).

It was previously reported last month that there would be a scene where “I Want It That Way” was used in the movie.

Check out the video below and ladies, get your money out (not the dollar bills, tsk tsk) and head to see “Magic Mike XXL” on July 2nd. I think we’re in for a lot of Backstreet mentions in the movie.

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