Hey everybody, I know I have been slacking on the site for well over a year now and every single time I say that I'll do more, and then I...
Thoughts: As April 20 comes closer, I get more emotional thinking about @BackstreetBoys
The title of the post pretty much explains everything. As April 20 sneaks closer, just a little over a month away, I keep thinking about...
Personal: Sometimes life gets in the way
There were no updates last week because frankly, I had way too much going on. But I know that this site is a big part of who I am and I...
#BSB366 – Day 1 – That’s the way I like it
Starting in 2016, I'm going to make a Backstreet Boys post discussing something that I love about the boys. Since it's a leap year, it will be...
New Year. New Start.
I've been hella busy lately with work and not feeling well. I'm starting to get the feeling better part situated, hopefully, soon. December...
Sometimes a boy band can save your life…
If it weren't for the Backstreet Boys, I would probably be dead. Some days, like today, I've thought about just ending it all. That would be...
Why do I like stoner comedies?
I don't drink or do drugs, but I love stoner comedies - ie: anything with Seth Rogen or anything by Kevin Smith. (Once they did a movie...