Updates From Karah & Emilia

by | Sep 18, 2024 | Personal, Thoughts | 0 comments

As you are probably aware there haven’t been any new posts or updates in quite some time. At this time some of us are busy with other things in our lives that we haven’t had the time to post on the website. Amber is also busy with her job that she hasn’t had time either. We thought to update everyone on what’s going on with us.

Karah is currently busy with Grad school. That’s obviously taking a lot of her time. She recently released a boy band trivia book back in July You can order it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble or wherever books are sold! Also, one of her own fiction books How To Be An Adult Fangirl is now available in hardcover and paperback on Amazon. Check it out! I read it a few years ago and it’s a short romance story. It was fun to read.

The Backstreet Boys are also currently on a break. Even if they do a show here or there. Some of the guys are doing solo things and we’ll try to update on what’s happening with BSB or solo when we can.


From Emilia

For those who follow me on my Kaos Online accounts on X (Twitter) or on Instagram I wrote a message recently letting everyone know that I decided to take a step back from the BSB fandom. There have been situations that led me to make this decision. For the time being I will not be updating either of my accounts. I may post here and there on BSBFangirls. I have other things I want to accomplish so my focus will be on that. I’m not sure when I’ll get back to updating my own accounts. Or be fully involved with the fandom.

This year I saw just how things can be within the fandom. It has made me less enjoy being involved even if it’s not the only reason I decided to step away. I will say this though, we may not all get along, but the least we can do is be kind to one another. You never know what someone is dealing with. Or simply just focus on yourself, your friends, etc. Drama isn’t worth the stress. The things I saw this year were another reminder that you can’t trust people. Someone running a fan page may not be a fan at all. So, be careful of who you speak to. Not everyone who talks to you will be a friend, or they may use you for personal gain.

By now I’m sure everyone knows Nick is dealing with lawsuits by three women. You can read all about it through court documents at justicefornickcarter.com. Should you have the time, I’d look into it. I know Nick has said one day he’ll talk about all this, but until then we have these documents that tell his side.

With that situation many things have happened. It has made me question how I do things now. Which made me not enjoy being involved anymore. In the back of my mind there was always the thought that they were watching us. I tried to not think about that and focus on what I’ve always done, but the thought was always there. It just got to be too much for me at times. With all of this going on I felt it was best to take a break from things. How long? I don’t know.

This doesn’t mean I won’t stop being a fan even if my interest in them isn’t what it used to be at the moment. I’ll be around to update when I can. Sometimes things happen in our lives that change how we feel. The fandom has given me a lot and I appreciate the support and everything.

Right now I’m working on a novel I had originally shared on Wattpad during the pandemic. I may share updates on that and among other things. If you guys want to follow me just to chat and stay connected you can follow my personal accounts.

X (Twitter) Instagram TikTok

You can also find Karah’s social media listed at the bottom of the website. Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone! I’ll see you all later.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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