Interviews – AJ McLean In Montreal

by | Sep 28, 2023 | AJ McLean, News | 0 comments

If you haven’t heard, AJ McLean is in Montreal, Canada this week to promote The Fashion Hero. While in Montreal AJ has been doing various interviews to talk about the show plus much more. AJ is now an executive producer of the show.

Besides talking about The Fashion Hero, AJ spoke to Global News about his daughters, Montreal, and upcoming Backstreet Boys and solo plans. AJ plans to release solo music next year. Visit to watch his interview.

Rythme 105.7 spoke to AJ about his sobriety, The Fashion Hero, Backstreet Boys Cancun event next April, and more. Visit to watch his interview.

Click the links below to watch or listen to his other interviews that he’s done in regards to the show. We will update should there be anymore interviews.

The Beat 92.5
96.9 CKOI
TVA Nouvelles
Virgin Radio Montreal – video is likely only available for Canadians.
CBC Let’s Go – 19 minute interview (audio)
WKND 99.5 FM – 16 minute interview (audio)

Articles with interviews.
Montreal Gazette
Mitsou Magazine – Article is in French with some new photos.

Fans in Montreal can catch AJ on the show Ca finit bien la semaine Friday at 7pm on TVA.

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