Thoughts: Do you realize how lucky we are?

by | Apr 22, 2023 | #BSB30, Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter, Opinion, Thoughts | 1 comment

I’m two days late, and honestly a whole month to be honest. I’ve been so busy with my two jobs that I’ve barely had time to sleep. And honestly, with nothing going on for the anniversary, and other things going on with me, I didn’t feel like celebrating.

Let’s be honest – we all pretty much know why nothing was celebrated this week. The unmentionable thing that we shouldn’t talk about and I won’t talk about. That and the never-ending “DNA World Tour,” which should be ending soon.

Honestly, I was a little disappointed, but in a way, with everything I have going on, it was probably for the best. I came home all prepared to host a quick episode of our podcast with Amber last night and write a blog post, but after a horrible meeting, I came home – depressed, sad, feeling used and underappreciated – and tweeted before leaving to go get Dairy Queen for dinner because I did not feel like cooking anything.

So while I stayed offline for the most part last night, I sat and thought about it – we might not have had some big event that AJ has teased about this week, we are extremely lucky that our band is still together. All of the bands (minus Boyz II Men but I really don’t consider them a boy band) have broken up and gotten back together. While 98 Degrees can celebrate 25 years this year, or New Kids on the Block can celebrate 40 years in a few years, they aren’t really.

No disrespect, but they all broke up, for years. The Backstreet Boys never did.

And tonight, I was reminded why I’m a fan. I tweeted that last night, not really caring who saw it, or if anybody saw it. I don’t even think anybody replied to it because people are probably used to me being overdramatic.

But Nick replied to it today. Why he saw a tweet that was almost 24 hours old that he wasn’t tagged in, who knows, but he did.

It’s been very odd, but Nick is always there when I need a pick me up. For someone who, like me, has lost someone recently, and going through things that are far worse than what I’m going through, he takes the time to respond to my tweet.

That’s why I love these guys, especially Nick. Nick’s always been there for us. During COVID when we were all stuck at home, Nick was the main one trying to connect with fans. Maybe it’s because he’s closest in age with most of us. We all grew up together. Some of you that I knew online when you were 15 or 16, reading my fanfics are now married and mothers.

We are just really lucky to have these guys in our lives. I celebrate my 25th anniversary of being a Backstreet Boys fan on May 1st and I hate that I missed 5 years of their existence. I try my best not to speak for the entire fandom because I know everyone is different.

And while I’m blabbering about things tonight, we truly are lucky to call the Backstreet Boys ours.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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