30 DAYS Celebrating Backstreet Boys’ 30th Anniversary

Day 2 (2021)

Coming in at Number 4: No Place

In 2021, I Want It That Way celebrated 22 years. Amazingly, the video hit 1 billion streams in November of 2021. This is an incredible feat considering YouTube wasn’t even invented until 2006, 7 years after the song came out! We’re throwing it back to a couple of IWITW performances, Then and Now.

Check out one of the very first live performances Backstreet Boys did of I Want it That Way:

And Now! Footage from Manila, 2023 of I Want it That Way…Still a classic and as beautiful as ever.


Come back tomorrow for more on our #BSB30 countdown!

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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