Ask The Fangirls: New Questions, New Answers

by | Jun 27, 2022 | Ask The Fangirl, Backstreet Boys | 0 comments

It’s been a little bit since we’ve had one of these. With the world pausing for COVID, specifically the fangirl world, we didn’t get many questions and they are starting to roll in again. Let’s get started!

Are the boys really as nice as they seem? Is Kevin really tall or just looks tall? Are they just like normal guys, like weird and stuff. Do they enjoy meeting fans or do they just do it cause they have too? – Ann

One of my favorite thing about the boys is how down you earth they are. All of them. I’ve been privileged to meet them several times and EVERY TIME they are so kind, considerate, and thoughtful. Kevin always wants to be sure you are having a good time (and yes, he IS that tall…so is Nick!), Brian is always a goofball, AJ is always polite and respectful, Howie is the sweetest and most attentive human ever, and Nick is just grateful for everything. And it shows in every interaction. I really believe they enjoy meeting us because they fully embrace that fans are the reason they have what they have.


Amber pretty much nailed it on the head – the boys love meeting fans. I think it’s because back in the day, when things were so crazy, they didn’t get to meet fans as much and have conversations. They get to do that now. And they are normal guys and as you know, especially with Nick, like weird stuff. LOL!


I bought pit tickets to the DNA tour in Charlotte tomorrow. Is the DNA circle area considered the pit? Will I have access to this? – Summer

Sorry we just got to this. We were busy traveling on Thursday to … Charlotte actually! As you can tell now, there is no DNA Circle for most shows this summer and it’s only just pit so your pit tickets allowed you to be in pit. 🙂


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