Thoughts: My ‘Perfect Fan’

by | Jun 4, 2022 | Backstreet Boys, Personal, Thoughts | 0 comments

I love my home province of Quebec and I’m a very proud Montrealer, even if I now live in Calgary, Alberta. Where are all my Montreal peeps at?! Just so that we’re clear, I still have my Montreal number and I regularly head back east to visit. So like any BSB fan, it was very important to me to head to my hometown show again just like I did in July 2019! 

When the second set of DNA shows were pushed out in February 2020, I was quick to purchase 2nd row seats. I would have loved to have done circle or pit but they were sold out by the time I logged on.

No biggie! I would still be there and I would be there with my favorite person in the world- my mom!

She’s come with me to Vegas and she’s a Kevin girl too! She was very excited to come to the show with me this time around, since she had to miss out the last time the boys were in Montreal.

Fast forward to early May 2022, I randomly looked at my Ticketmaster app and noticed that my Montreal tickets had been voided. Uhhh what? I never asked Ticketmaster to refund my Montreal tickets. Why would I? I was able to make every date change. Naturally, I called Ticketmaster in a panic and I was told that they had accidentally cancelled the wrong date. I had originally asked them to cancel my Lexington tickets, not Montreal.

The Lexington show is now happening on September 6, 2022 and I can no longer go. So of course, I asked them to fix their mistake and I was told that they couldn’t. I was absolutely livid with them and they told me that there was nothing that could be done. They sent me a $100.00 CAD voucher and expected me to be ok with it. Uhhh WTF. After being salty for a few days, I said to myself that I would look for new tickets. If you know anything about Montreal, I think it may be one of the priciest cities on tour given our longstanding history with the boys. Two floor seats at the very back would have been around $1300.00 CAD. Sitting in the 400 level was not an option for me either, because I have become a ticket snob and I’m not paying $350.00 CAD to be all the way up there. No judgement if you’re sitting up there and if that’s all you can afford- I’m just an admitted snob.

I had to break the news to my mom that we were no longer going to Montreal. I was quite surprised at her reaction, she seemed quite upset but said that she understood the situation. She then asked if I would be cancelling my trip to Quebec altogether, seeing as I also have tickets for the Quebec City show. I told her no, and that we would still be going to Quebec City as planned. This news seemed to cheer her up a bit and she told me that I could still change my mind if I wanted to.

About a week later, I was browsing Instagram and saw that my friend was announcing on his stories that he was selling his pit ticket to Montreal. I replied to his story and told him, “Damn, I wish you had 2 tickets to sell”. And that’s when he told me that he did have 2 tickets to sell! I bought his tickets IMMEDIATELY.

The day was saved and we were heading to the Montreal show as originally planned. I decided to Facetime my mom after the transaction was complete and she legitimately cried over Facetime. I definitely didn’t expect that reaction which also made me cry in turn. When I asked why she was crying, she said it was because she said she was so happy that we could go and that she was worried that I would have cancelled my trip to Quebec after a couple days of thinking things over. BSB or no BSB, I would have gone to Montreal as planned to see my mom in September.

When I came to visit on Mom’s birthday February 2022

I personally know of a lot of fans who have lost their moms or mom figures in the recent years and it breaks my heart that they are without their people. So I’m definitely putting an emphasis on precious Mommy/Daughter time whenever I can because I know that she won’t be here forever. I’m so thrilled that we can share this moment together and with all of you.

So if you see us in the pit, please say hi! 

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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