Home 4 The Holidays with Nick Carter + Interviews

by | Dec 10, 2021 | News, Nick Carter | 1 comment

Nick is inviting you to his home for a holiday event. A virtual event that is. Home 4 The Holidays is a virtual event benefiting Cure 4 The Kids Foundation. A foundation that Nick has been supportive of over the last few years.

Home 4 The Holidays will take place on December 16 from 5-6:30pm PST. For $25 you’ll be able to watch the event. To join visit Cure4TheKids.org. Tickets are limited.

The event will include a cooking experience with a celebrity chef. If you would like to join the cooking experience by also preparing the same meal Nick will during the event, you can visit the Cure 4 The Kids website for the recipe and ingredients. There will be a few special guests such as AJ McLean, Lance Bass, Chris Kirkpatrick and more in attendance. Nick will also perform a few songs.

Nick recently did a few interviews with FOX 5, Vegas Revealed, and Digital Journal to talk about the event. He also talks about BSB and solo music. Check out the interviews below.

Read his interview with Digital Journal here.

Post updated with two new interviews from Morning Blend and Las Vegas Now below.


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