It was 20 years ago today that I had to hope and pray that nobody called on our landline because I was trying to watch a Backstreet Boys’ “Black & Blue” show live in Dallas, Texas, via Yahoo!
Can you believe it’s been 20 years since that happened? And if you sit and think about it, that was just the beginning of things we would be able to stream in years to come. Back then it was kind of unheard of and God forbid we had the slow internet because the good, high-speed kind hadn’t been really created for us normal people.
I remember sitting on my brand new Gateway computer that I had gotten the day before because my first computer had been struck by lightening. I felt like it was moving so faster than the old computer and honestly, I had the slowest internet in the world – THE WORLD – so the stream came and went from me, but thankfully someone I knew recorded it on VHS, thus I put it on DVD and ripped years later.
Not only did this take place after AJ came out of rehab, it was something that I think a lot of us BSB fans needed after the tour was postponed. When thinks like that had happened to other bands, they never came back, so you have to admit a lot of us were worried.
So tonight, turn TikTok off and go back to 2001 with not-so-great quality video and relive the days of the Black & Blue World Tour.