Welcome to an all-new bsbfangirls.com!

by | May 15, 2021 | Contest, Site News | 0 comments

As you can see, this yet another brand-new start for us. We haven’t changed much, just webhosts, Emilia has come on as a co-owner. We have known each other for years but only recently gotten to know one another and become friends over the past few years by helping with the BSB Fan Club. She’s amazing. And if you don’t follow her on Twitter, please do – @KaosOnline.

Here’s a few things that are new:

History Section

Emilia has created an amazing Backstreet Boys History section here on the website with a lot of things that she had on a previous website of hers, This Is Backstreet. We moved our Important Dates links to that section and you can head over and see everything over there.

While we have a page about the boys themselves right now, we will soon have a huge biography that Emilia is working on. That will also be listed over there.

We are working on this section of the site to make it like a BSBwikipedia. Have anything to share with us for the section? Contact us! I will be adding some of my weird Backstreet Boys trivia knowledge over there.

Monthly Contest

Yep, you read that right – Monthly Contest. As long as I have my Etsy store and doing crafts, we are going to have a small contest on here each month. And yes, for the most part, it’s open to the entire world as of right now. This month, one of my hand-drawn stickers from the DNA photoshoot.

Shop and Fiction

Obviously I’ve added a Shop section for my Etsy shop and my books, but also if you look under “More Stuff,” you will find some other stuff (obviously). That is where we are housing the contest, Resources (Fangirl University) and also you’ll find Other Fiction with links to my and Emilia’s accounts on Wattpad where Emilia posts her original fiction she writes and some of my older fan fiction is housed there.

The Girls

We are making this site about the Backstreet Boys, obviously, but it is what the title is – about us Fangirls. I will be continuing my Fangirl University posts to help fellow social media accounts or fan sites. Things have been slow this past year due to the pandemic and the boys not doing as much, but things will be picking back up and some of the girls have already let us know that they will be back to writing those posts you guys love!

Emilia and I have worked hard over this last week or so to redesign the site on another platform that Britt and Kelsey did such a great job on. A few small things have changed, but that’s because it’s a different platform.

We hope you enjoy the change. We are the type of people that love to make the change, not follow the trend. We hope we are doing that with the site and hope to continue doing that.

– Karah

About Us

We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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