Happy 7th Anniversary, Nick & Knight, and to making me start my site

by | Apr 30, 2021 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Nick Carter, Pop Music, Site News | 0 comments

Picture it, 2014, New York City and Georgia. A girl was woken up by a text in the middle of the night asking if she wanted to be on Good Morning America with Nick Carter and Jordan Knight. No idea why, but she agreed.

A few hours later she gets a message from the Huffington Post to come on with Nick Carter and Jordan Knight.


They were announcing their duo – Nick & Knight.

And that girl was me.

So long story short, I had a pop culture column at my old job and I mentioned that I thought Nick Carter and Jordan Knight were working on a project together months before and they should call it Nick at Knight. Did that have anything with me being on those shows and chats? Probably not, but damn if I didn’t bring it up.

The column.

Watch the videos below.

They will start where I’m on them.

That day lead me to have a discussion with my former editor about how I should start a blog about boy bands since I was so informed and that lead me to create Boys on the Block on May 1, 2014 (the same day of my BSB anniversary when I saw them at Grad Nite in 1998).

Since then we’ve been through some various names from Boys On The Block to The Fangirling Life and finally, BSB Fangirls. This name will stick. This site is going nowhere. I know I’ve contemplated, but I think when I get depressed or things are too quiet for a while, I always ponder it.

Honestly, I don’t know who I am without a website. It was either always this, My Confession or my NASCAR blog I had in college.

But BSBFangirls.com is here to stay.

Our site has included interviews by people like Lauren Kitt Carter (well it was originally for work, but I posted it here, too), Denise (AJ’s mother), and the Backstreet Boys themselves in a fun Q&A about the documentary during the release.

Things have been quiet, especially the last few months of this pandemic, but things will pick back up. We promise. We have some exciting things coming to the site soon like Emilia from Kaos Online joining the site as a co-admin/owner! She’s going to be working on a big project and I am going to finish my “Fangirl classes.” My etsy shop has just taken control of my life lately when work hasn’t.

Look for some site updates this weekend with an announcement and some other goodies coming soon 🙂

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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