News: Everything you need to know about @NickCarter’s new solo album (12/18/20)

by | Dec 18, 2020 | Boy Bands, Music, News, Nick Carter, Pop Music | 0 comments


If you haven’t followed Nick Carter on Twitch, what are you waiting for?

Nick started a new Twitch account, Twitter, and Instagram with the handle “PopKidNick.” He will be using this for gaming AND sharing some of his solo work on his new album!


The Songs:

Real Shot: Has a very 80’s vibe to it – think “Jesse’s Girl” or something by Bryan Adams or Journey. Total Nick song and sounds amazing. 

Girl I Knew: Kind of a sultry ballad. His voice is kind of deep in the beginning of the song from what we’ve heard. He mentions red lips and vampires. 

80s Movie: The first single that Nick has released from this album is a package of ’80s bliss wrapped up in a three-minute song. 

The Updates

Update 12:18/20: As predicted, Nick made the final three on “The Masked Singer” and released a single today called “80s Movie.” You can find it on all of your favorite streaming services, where you buy music, and even on YouTube. I discussed it in my latest “The Fangirl Diaries” vlog and will be making a longer post on the song this weekend. 

Update: 12/2/20: Nick teased that his new song will come out in a few weeks on Instagram this morning. It coincides with the fact that he does make the Final 3 on “The Masked Singer.” That is two weeks ago, which is perfect timing and matches up to when he wants to release the single. This is one of the most-watched shows on television right now, which is perfect. 

Update: 11/28/20: Nick talked with Celebrity Page TV where he said he hopes to have something out by Christmas, which goes back to what he said earlier about the holidays. 

Update: 11/24/20: Nick talked with WGTV about solo work and said we might have something around the holidays, which would make sense for when he is done with The Masked Singer, people usually have something to promote. 

I decided, you know, maybe I could get in and record some music. Write some music. Get a little artistic and expressive and take the opportunity to work on some stuff I can put on the solo side of things, maybe around the holidays. Nobody is touring and nobody can do anything, but you can. I figured if I could make some songs that could lift up our fan base a little bit and give them a little something while we’re on quarantine.”

Update: 11/21/20: Nick streamed live from the studio with Martin Johnson from Boys Like Girls where they discussed making music. Nick also shared two clips of songs from the album (listed above) and we got to see him recording some of “Girl I Knew.”. 

Update 11/11/20: Nick just said on Instagram Live on 11/11/20 that he will begin recording the week of November 20-24 and he is bringing his Twitch followers into the studio with him!

Update 10/8/20: Nick said 10/8/20 that he is going to start working with Martin Johnson from Boys Like Girls! They are an amazing group so I’m hella excited about this.

January 29, 2020 – Nick has an offer from a major record label!


December 10, 2019 – Nick tweeted out some song titles, but hasn’t worked on anything yet. 

December 9, 2019 – Nick was in Germany meeting with record labels while attending the German Comic Con and talked about an upcoming solo album.

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