December: Important + Fun @BackstreetBoys Dates to Remember

by | Dec 1, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, History | 0 comments

Here’s your monthly reminder of all the BSB-related milestones + anniversaries you can celebrate this month!

12/5/2011 The second Backstreet Boys Cruise #2 sets sail from Miami.

12/8/2007 Howie and Leigh were married in Florida.

12/8/2010 Backstreet Boys perform an acoustic show in Miami the night before the first BSB cruise.

12/9/2010 The Backstreet Boys first Cruise set sail from Miami.

12/10/2003 AJ McLean appears on the Oprah Winfrey show to talk about his sobriety and the other four boys surprise him.

12/13/1995 “I’ll Never Break Your Heart” released as a single in Europe.

12/17/2011 AJ and Rochelle were married in Los Angeles.

12/21/1999 “Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely” released as a single.

12/23/1995 “I Wanna Be With You” tour begins.

12/27/1997 “Backstreet’s Back” tour begins. 

12/29/2017 Backstreet Boys wrap up two sold-out shows in Cancun, Mexico.

12/30/2009 Backstreet Boys sell-out their first cruise that will take place in 2010.

12/30/1999 Backstreet Boys dominates the 1999 Billboard Music Awards, winning Artist of the Year, Album of the Year, Album Artist of the Year, and Album Artist Duo/Group of the Year.

12/31/1998 Backstreet Boys perform in their hometown of Orlando which was filmed as a Pay-Per-View event that later premiered on Showtime and also released as their “Homecoming” concert on VHS and DVD.

12/31/1999 “Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely” debuts on MTV just before midnight making it the last video to premiere in the 20th century.

12/31/2016 Backstreet Boys ring in 2017 in Las Vegas.

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