Introducing our new resource classes for fangirls!

by | Nov 10, 2020 | Fangirls Guide, Resources, Site News, University | 2 comments

I know what you guys are probably thinking – a fangirl’s what? Basically, my new project is going to be like a BSBFangirls University. It’s going to break down fangirls need to know, especially the newbies who are just blossoming into their fangirlness. Or it could be for the fangirl who wants to branch out in her creativity. 

You can probably think of it as a book – “A Dummies Guide To Being A Fangirl” Except us fangirls are never dumb, are we?

Almost each week there will be a new class on different topics within fandoms whether it’s marketing, building sites, graphics, dealing with drama, etc. I will be talking to “experts” in the fields that is being discussed and we will probably have guest “lecturers.” 

First up this Saturday we will have an introduction class – “Introduction: The Art of Fangirling.” There’s no real time that you have to be here to view. You can come read the post whenever you are ready. Most of the time they will be written. We may even have posts that are actual video lectures. 

Check out what we are calling our “Resources” page (the link is in the menu) where we will be keeping all posts on one page for easy access, but the posts will be a part of our blog. 

Got a question or a topic you think we should discuss? Let me know!

About Us

We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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