5 @BackstreetBoys / Fandom podcasts you need to check out now!

by | Sep 27, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Podcast, Pop Music, Top Lists | 0 comments

The Backstreet Boys didn’t start this whole podcast thing when they started their “All I Have To Give” radio on Apple Music. Now AJ McLean has jumped on the bandwagon with his DWTS partner and even Nick is doing something similar with gaming and his music. 

Podcasts have been around for YEARS. One of the first podcasts came about in 2003 and was called “The Backstage Pass.” Sounds fangirly, right? The show interviewed people like Gavin DeGraw, Third Eye Blind, and B.B. King. Shortly after in 2005, Apple released a new iTunes that included podcast support. 

The best thing about podcasts is that there is something for EVERYONE. For people like us, that love pop music, especially those that deal with five guys with hot harmonies and can dance in sync (no pun intended). 

Here are five podcasts you should check out that might tickle your fancy.


1. Fangirls Night Out

Obviously, this will be number one on our list since our girls Britt and Kelsey, along with Brianne and Danielle, hosts the show. It’s a little different than the normal podcast, but more of a vodcast (podcast with visual content).

While the Backstreet Boys is the main topic on the show, they also branch out to talk about other groups, such as 98 Degrees and ‘N Sync. It’s still new, with only two shows under its belt, but it’s fun. 

“Alright fellow fangirls, it’s time — time to FINALLY have a place to laugh, take a break from the world and fully embrace your fangirl status,” the girls said in a blog post here on BSBFangirls announcing the vodcast. 

Check out Fangirls’ Night Out’s episodes on YouTube and follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!


2. Frick and Frack Show

This podcast is completely different than any of the others – it’s two guys. Caleb and Matthew host another vodcast based on the nicknames that Brian and Nick had years ago. 

“We started this podcast at the beginning of the pandemic to help keep people’s minds off of the negativity going on around the world,” Matthew said. “We wanted to continue to shine a light on the fact that we are all in this together. We started bringing on the podcast to be able to share their stories and quickly found out that no matter how many miles separated us, we all had one thing in common.”

While they do talk about other things on the show and other fandoms (their most recent episode talked about “Justice League,” the Backstreet Boys is the main topic. 

“Backstreet Boys have helped bring so many people together through dark times and great times. We continue to believe through great music, friendship, peace, and love, we can get through anything. This is and always will be a podcast for the fans, by the fans,” Matthew said. 

Follow Frick and Frack Show on Facebook. 


3. Boy Band Break

You can guess by the title of the podcast that it’s all about the boy bands and who doesn’t love that? The show is hosted by Canadian friends Cinzia, Dianne, Sofia, and Lydia, who have all traveled the world to see their favorite boy bands, especially the Backstreet Boys.

“We started the podcast for a couple reasons, mostly because we wanted a way to document our experiences,” the owners said. “We thought about creating a YouTube channel but then a friend of Cinzia’s suggested a podcast. It didn’t seem like anything anyone else was doing at the time and so we gave it a try. Tw years later we’re still going.”

The girls of Boy Band Break know that the fandom is constantly changing and they keep up with that change. 

“The fandom is constantly changing and maturing. Just like BSB. We only get better with age,” they said. “Social media has helped to bring us even closer together as fans and we love how we all work together to support our boys in so many different ways.”

Follow Boy Band Break on Twitter and also check out their episodes


4. What’s The Deal With This Pop Life?

I know, I know. This is a Backstreet Boys blog and that’s a lyric from an ‘N Sync song, but who cares? It’s a great podcast hosted by two girls – Stefanie and Steph. 

The two friends, who have been friends since 1996, talk about everything pop music on their podcast from Christina Aguilera, the solo music of JC Chasez (Yaaaaas! JC doesn’t get enough credit), and one of the best movies of all time, “Clueless.” They even tackle the controversial #FreeBritney movement. And yes, they do talk about the Backstreet Boys. 

“I think we started our pod because we shared a love for pop music in the late ’90s and early 2000s and reminiscing about that time is fun for us,” Stefanie said. “I think our particular fandoms have grown and matured over the years and we support who we love no matter what they are doing.”

Steph agreed with her cohost.

“We started the podcast as a way to bond and devote time each week to catch up and talk about the groups and things we’ve always had a shared love of,” Steph said. “I think the fandoms are pretty much the same… we’re older and more mature, we have the funds to do the things we always wanted to do when we were younger… but there’s still rivalries and fierce loyalty to our faves etc.”

Follow What’s The Deal With This Pop Life? on Twitter and listen to their podcast

5. My So-Called Whatever

Looking for a New Kids on the Block podcast? My So-Called Whatever tackles pop culture from the ’80s and ’90s and you guessed it, NKOTB is one of their main topics of discussions. 

They interview NKOTB fans and even have episodes breaking down some of their nostalgic memories of the ’80s and ’90s. 

Visit My So-Called Whatever’s website to listen and learn more!


We are going to compile a list of BSB or pop culture/90s podcasts to put in our media section.

Do you have one. Let us know!

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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