Site News: Wattpad, a dancing AJ, and fun things to come!

by | Aug 31, 2020 | AJ McLean, Books, DWTS, Karah's Books, Site News, Writing | 0 comments

August is basically over in a few hours and in some areas of the world, it’s already September.

September means fall, it means football, but will we even have any of that this year? It means the flu and people not knowing if it’s the flu or corona … and it just all sounds like a mess.

In fact, I’ll be glad when August is over. This weekend we lost a king – Chadwick Boseman who played Black Panther – died of colon cancer. The main photo above was taken last summer in front of the apartments at the beginning and the end of the “Black Panther” movie where Sterling K. Brown’s character lived. 

I’m new to the whole Marvel thing (over 2 years now), but “Black Panther” is in my top five favorite Marvel movies, so the death is really effecting me, especially after everything else I’ve dealt with this summer. 

But, September brings new beginnings in some ways. September will bring AJ McLean dancing into our living rooms every week (and it will be every week because our boo is gonna win!). 

I’m also giving myself a goal of at least two blog posts a week during September. It’s hard to be creative and write things on the site here with everything being so dead. Thankfully AJ will hopefully fix that. Hopefully, the boys will be able to go see him perform.

Lately I have found myself looking at some of my past work, which includes finding old fan fiction stories (both BSB and NASCAR). For instance, look at this …

This was one of my first fan fiction stories. Look at that layout. The candy hearts. I can’t even.

This was the front landing page of my fan fiction site at some point in 2002. 

Looking at my old stuff is because of Wattpad. I’ve been posting some of my older fan fiction that isn’t horrible on there over the last few weeks. I’ve also started posting my new story on there instead of publishing it on Amazon. Lisa has also been posting a new story that we started writing last year called “New Love.” And don’t forget that Emilia has been posting her story, “Fallen,” over there, too.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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