“Let It Be Me” is now out .. kind of!

by | Aug 9, 2020 | Books, Karah's Books, Writing | 0 comments

I started writing on “Let It Be Me” last year, after a whirlwind summer of fun, concerts, trips and more. You know, before COVID-19 came in and ruined our lives. I had a good run with writing on it and then the winter funk started. Then just as I was getting back into writing on it, the coronavirus hit. 

And here I thought working from home would give me so much free time. 

It did … but it’s put me in another funk. 

I am SO close to finishing this story and I keep pushing the publish date back, but after talking with Emilia this week about WattPad, I decided to go ahead and start posting it on there instead of publishing it on Amazon. 

I’m hoping that hearing your thoughts on what I have written so far (16 chapters) will make the funk go away and bring my passion and excitement for writing back so I can finish it. I know how it will end.

I just have to get to that ending. I don’t have many more chapters to write, maybe five or six. 

So, let me know what you think. Sign up for an account on WattPad and leave some feedback.  I’ve linked the story on my Books page, but also, you can click below.

Read “Let It Be Me”

And while you’re at it, head over and read Emilia’s new story!

Read “Fallen”


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