#AskTheFangirls: Special @BackstreetBoys’ Looped Calls Edition

by | May 15, 2020 | AJ McLean, Ask The Fangirl, Backstreet Boys, Howie Dorough | 0 comments

If you have read any of my blog posts this far (or if you know me at all), you are probably aware that I adore AJ McLean. I always have. So, when Looped Live created the opportunity to purchase a one‐on-one video chat with my favorite Boy, I didn’t hesitate. 

There have been a lot of conversations around if the experience is worth the money. (Resounding YES from this fangirl!) I am not here to convince you one way or the other. BUT, having participated in two of these, I thought I’d share some details for those who are considering one in the future.

Q: How long does it last?

A: It depends. All Looped chats are guaranteed to last 60 seconds; however, the celeb has the option to add more time. (I’m going to guess it is in 15-second increments, but that’s just a guess from my experience.) AJ is a chatty people-pleaser, so my first chat was about 3 minutes and my second was just over 5 minutes.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Prices vary per artist/experience. For a Backstreet Boy, plan to spend between $100-$200, for now. Both of AJ’s chats sold out in *minutes* and Howie’s did, too. Laws of economics make me think we could see that increase in the future. 

Q: What is Looped Live and how does this work?

A: Looped Live is a new (est. Oct. 2019) phone app that allows you to video chat live with your favorite celebrities. They have posted a great FAQ section on their website. 

Download the app, browse the talent, and purchase a ticket to chat with your favorite celeb! There will be an advertised start time and you will be assigned a place in line. You can hang out in the chat room while waiting (a great place to meet other fans and talk about how nervous you are) or leave the app completely. Just make sure you DO NOT turn on your phone’s “do not disturb” mode; you run a high risk of missing your call. (Instead, I manually shut off all push notifications for my apps when it was close to my turn to limit interruptions.) 

Q: Any advice for a first-time Looped user?

A: Yes! (1) Check your internet connection before your call time. Spotty internet service can result in a dropped call or technical glitches. (2) The camera for the chat is opposite what you’re used to, so pay attention to how you are holding it (or mount it so you don’t have to mess with it). I don’t know how to describe this articulately, so just check your camera when you are on hold for your turn. (3) You may or may not get a warning for when your celeb is about to pop on the call, so FIX YO’ FACE! I had a warning the first time (notice my anxious eyes), but not the second time (notice the deer in headlights). (4) During the call, you will have a chance to take a selfie. There is a big red button at the bottom of your screen. Snap pictures at any point during the chat; they will save to your phone’s photo gallery.

Once all of the video calls are complete and the video files have been processed, Looped will send you a recording of your whole conversation as a keepsake. (I had both of mine in less than 24 hours because the Looped team is amazing!)

If you decide to take advantage of one of these calls and anything goes wrong, Looped support ([email protected]) is fantastic! So, sit back, breathe, and try to remember how to form sentences. I can’t wait to hear about your experiences!

Follow Brittany on Twitter at @Blu3y3dBalla.

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