Top 10 alcoholic drinks as related to @BackstreetBoys music videos

by | Mar 22, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Top Lists | 0 comments

Hey fandom!

This post came to me as I sat around waiting for my friends and I to start Quarantine Wine Night.

I decided to turn on my Spotify and play a little game while I drank a Margarita. The game consisted of me putting all BSB songs on shuffle and picking a drink or kind of alcohol that I thought best suits the song. For the record, I didn’t cheat once! Please drink responsibly and stay indoors (if you can)!

Get Another Boyfriend- Fireball.

Doesn’t this one get you pumped up? I always think of AJ screaming “GOOD GOD!”. I want to shake my booty to this song and you definitely need a fiery drink when you’re listening to this one.

Just Want You to Know- Pinot Grigio (white) wine.

A lot of fans dislike this song and I don’t know why. I think this song is great and this video is dope too! If I’m not mistaken, I think it’s a favorite of Karah’s.

I’ll Never Break Your Heart- Cabernet Sauvignon (red) wine.

If you’re nursing a broken heart, this is NOT the song to listen to. However, red wine will not break your heart. It might give you a headache though.

Anywhere for You- Malibu with Pineapple Juice.

Well shit. No one is going anywhere right now so you might as well drink something tropical. Baby Backstreet were so cute. I bet that they had no idea that they’d be forced to go into hiding when they filmed the video. I wish I was on a beach right now so bad!

New Love- Bourbon.

Yasss Kevin. I’m fine with you (or any of them) gyrating in my face. If you know me, you know that bourbon is my drink of choice. I’ve been drinking bourbon since I was 17 and I can’t imagine life without it. The right Bourbon is sweet and sexy just like this song.

We’ve Got It Goin’ On- Rum and Coke.

A classic. Makes you feel good all over if the ratios of rum to coke are spot on. It always puts me in a good mood when I hear it. We could use some feel-good songs right now.

It’s Gotta Be You- Screwdrivers.

Orange juice and vodka. We do need to ensure that we’re getting plenty of sunlight in these hard times so make sure to drink this if you need a little bit of happiness and Vitamin C. This song is best listened to first thing in the morning. I do advise not hitting the sauce before 10 am, but you do you, boo.

I Need You Tonight- Chocolate Martini.

Here’s to the people who have also been surviving on chocolate during these tough times. I’d drink this after dinner while listening to this song. Turn down the lights and just vibe to this song and Nick’s crooning!

Get Down- Tequila!

Just straight up. It doesn’t have to be añejo or reposado, I’ll drink anything really. This song is another one that makes me want to party and share a drink with the boys while having a grand ‘ole time. Vegas vibes anyone?

Let It Be Me- Mojito.

I think this would be perfect a perfect drink for a summery like song. That is if we’re not trapped indoors by that point. I’m jealous of you who have yards or patios. I live on the 17th floor of a high rise until my house is done being built.

Bonus Round:

I Want It That Way

God, I am so tired of hearing this song! The only time I enjoy it is when it is live. Otherwise, I skip it. So for this round you can opt to drink ANYTHING. My suggestion is water, juice, milk, tea, coffee, soda. Because it’s a dull ass song and I’m not wasting any good stuff on it.


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