Feeling ‘Panic’ From Coronavirus? Listen to These @BackstreetBoys Tracks!

by | Mar 13, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Playlist, Pop Music | 0 comments

Everyone is feeling the stress from the latest Coronavirus outbreak. From ever-changing statistics, to school/work closings, even to wondering what will happen with the DNA Tour — this is inevitably shaking up everyone’s day-to-day life in various ways. Some more extreme than others, of course!

So, do yourself a favor and turn off the news for an hour and listen to this playlist instead! We’ve put together a collection of calming Backstreet Boys songs to help you breathe a little easier, clear your head, and even smile through the chaos.

We’re in this together, BSB fans.  And, no, “Panic” didn’t make the cut. 😉


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