Thoughts: Respect the @BackstreetBoys enough not to hate on their wives

by | Mar 11, 2020 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Opinion, Thoughts | 7 comments

As we all know, the Backstreet Boys are all married men with children. When they leave to go out on tour, they are working and spending time away from their families, the people they love.

They are missing important moments of their family’s lives, such as Nick’s daughter’s first moments or Howie’s oldest son’s school plays, things that parents want to be there for.

Do they have to tour? Not necessarily, but they do it because they love the fans and love performing for fans.

So why am I talking about this? I’m talking about it because this weekend and even this week, there has been a lot of hate going on with a certain wife, due to things that she posted on her husband’s Instagram account.

To make a long story short, Nick posted a video of the huge crowds surrounding them at the airport in South America. Lauren commented for him to wash his hands.

People went ballistic, going off on Lauren, harassing her for an apology. People took it as an insult towards the people of South America. Today there was even a hashtag trying to “cancel” her.

My thoughts?

ARE YOU SERIOUS? He needs to wash his hands regularly with this Coronavirus going around. Schools, concerts, conferences are being canceled here in the United States. The entire country of Italy is on lock down. Movie productions and television show productions are being postponed. While it was a joke that wasn’t taken the correct way, the guys are risking their health by being out and touring, meeting with the public.

Everybody has the right to not be thrilled with the comment or even not like it period, but that does not mean that you can attack someone for leaving a comment on her husband’s Instagram?

This leads me to my point of this post … we love and support the guys, but they love and support their wives. We should respect the boys enough not to hate, harass, and belittle the women they love. These are the women who the guys’ have chosen to marry, have children with, and spend their lives with.

How do you think Nick would feel if he gets online and sees you talking crap about his wife? Think that’s going to make him feel good? Think that will make him love you more as a fan? It won’t.

The Backstreet Boys wives are the ones playing Mommy and Daddy to their children when the guys are out on tour and their families can’t join them. They are the ones taking care of things back home when the guys are out of the country performing for us.

As for Lauren, let’s not forget that she is part of the reason we still have Nick Carter around. She came into his life around the time that he was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy from his years of drinking and drug abuse. She literally helped turn his life around. She helped him get healthy. She gave him the family that he always wanted.

And people want to “cancel” her? Yeah, no.

We don’t have to like or love everything the wives do or say, trust me. I haven’t always agreed with things. But guess what? You don’t have to agree with the things the wives do.  

In fact, you don’t have to agree with this post. I’m not trying to speak on behalf of all fans. I’m stating my opinion. 

We should at least respect the guys enough to not hate and harass their significant others.

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