Ask The Fangirl: What do you say to @BackstreetBoys in a Meet and Greet?

by | Mar 3, 2020 | Ask The Fangirl, Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music | 0 comments

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Question: My question what is the best thing to say during a meet and greet to the boys? I have done it once and I was so flustered that I hardly said anything and I need advice for next time! -Sophie


Whatever pops into my head seconds before I go up


I’ve determined that if you go in and want to say something in particular, Nick is going to look in your eyes and you’re going to forget everything. 


My advice is to say anything you want. Tell them which one is your favorite. Tell them how long you waited to meet them. Tell them where you’re from and your name. I go by “Stephanie from Michigan” because that is how Brian introduced me to the other four. Most importantly… if you are going to say something to them, make sure it’s not in a “screaming and screeching voice”. It scares the hell out of Nick. Trust me on that one!!


I honestly just say what is on my mind, but most times I just start out saying hi and allowing them to start the conversation first. Every meet and greet is different but most times it’s whatever happens to be in my head as it happens!


I’m not sure I’d be helpful — pretty sure I blacked out. ???? Just kidding! It did feel like a very, very quick blur though. Mostly “hi! how are you?!” and big hugs. It was so rushed in Vegas that I felt like there wasn’t a ton of time to get in more than that.


I usually just start out saying “hey/hi/how are you” – like I would a friend. Sometimes the guys will give you a compliment, or comment about something and I just go with the flow. Sometimes it’s best to just go in with nothing and not overthink.


To be honest, it never matters what I THINK I am going to say because as soon as one of them says something to me, all of that is out the window. ????


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