Ask the Fangirl: What was your favorite part of the @BackstreetBoys DNA Tour?

by | Jan 15, 2020 | Ask The Fangirl, Backstreet Boys | 0 comments

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What was your favorite part of the DNA tour? – Amy


This is a tough question to narrow down an answer! I always love being close to the boys in the pit, having meet & greet moments, and seeing my BSB friends, but those are things I cherish during EVERY show. For the DNA Tour, I think seeing the boys back inside huge arenas and hearing the crowd sing every single word to every single song back to them had to be my favorite part each time I had the chance to go to a DNA show.


This was the Backstreet Boys 1st arena tour in 18 years. The crowd, the screams, and the anticipation of the big screens rising up to give us that first glimpse of the boys all dressed in black and red. Then after the intro of “Everyone” we hear.. “I Wanna be With You”. It made me feel young again. It made me fall in love with the boys all over again hearing the older songs that were not included in the Larger Than Life set list for Las Vegas. This is also the only Backstreet Boys tour I have seen with my best friends


Throwback songs we don’t normally hear in the set list! Don’t Wanna Lose You Now is in my top 5 all time and I fell in love with it all over again this tour.


Breathe…hands down. Acapella in a stadium…nothing better.


I loooved that they started with “Everyone”! It was unexpected and got me SO amped up! (I held off from watching show footage until my show so I’d be surprised)


The old songs that they performed, like “I Wanna Be With You,” but definitely Nick’s solo for “The Way It Was.” Being front center in front of him and him seeing me, acknowledging me on my birthday was seriously the best. Plus, being with friends at the shows. They always make things better.


Sorry, meant to answer this earlier but got busy at work. It is honestly hard to narrow it down to just one! However, when I think of the DNA tour show, all I can think about is the introduction with the gold lights and the music while they list all of their albums. It gives me chills as I type this! I find myself looking forward to it every single show I go to. The opening song with Everyone going into I Wanna Be With You was just epic. I don’t think anyone was expecting I Wanna Be With You at all, especially here in the USA since that was a single overseas. Seeing the sold out arena crowds and hearing everyone sing along just brought back all the nostalgia I felt when I saw them in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. It gives me that thrill of wanting to see it all over again!


Seeing the huge turnout at each city! The feeling that everyone will see and know what we’ve known all along. Plus, seeing the venues from the boys point of view in the pit was really awesome! (Especially when the lights would go on and you saw just HOW many people were there). And of course, the setlist was about as perfect as perfect can get!



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