History: 1999 Billboard Music Awards and @BackstreetBoys domination

by | Dec 30, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, History, Slideshow, Videos | 0 comments

Can you believe that earlier this month,  the Backstreet Boys took over the 1999 Billboard Music Awards?

Just the year before they performed “I’ll Never Break Your Heart” and “All I Have To Give” on stage and won an award.

But in 1999, they were kings, winning the following awards:

  • Artist of the Year
  • Albums Top Duo/Group of the Year
  • Album of the Year
  • Albums Artist of the Year

Like the 2010s, the Backstreet Boys closed out the 1990s by being the “kinds of the word” (silly “Titanic” pun). It’s funny how 20 years later, they are still on top of their game, right?

And there is the skit in this ceremony1 with Kathy Griffin that will forever be locked in our brains of her calling everybody Nick.

Check out photos below and a video below that of what happened 20 years this month!


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