Photos: 41 of my favorite @BackstreetBoys related photos I’ve taken over the years

by | Jul 6, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Cruise, Music, Pop Music, Slideshow | 0 comments

If you know me, you know that not having a camera at a concert is something I don’t like to do. Since I was a teenager, concert photography has always been one of my favorite things. I even worked as a concert photographer for about two years once at a venue that the Backstreet Boys came to in my hometown.

To celebrate my birthday this Friday while I’m at another photo-snapping event where the Backstreet Boys are opening their DNA World Tour in the United States and Canada, I decided to pick out some of my favorite photos I’ve taken of the boys.

Originally I was only going to pick 15 photos because I want to talk about each one, but … I ended up with 40.

Hope you enjoy!

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