Weird Backstreet Boys photos that make you go, “what the hell?”

by | Jun 8, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Slideshow | 0 comments

I’m a hoarder … a photo hoarder. I have been saving Backstreet Boys photos since I first became a fan. First I saved them on a floppy drive (remember those?), then on CDs, then on external hard drives, and now I have them saved on OneDrive so that I can access everywhere (along with my personal photos).

Last night and some today, I’ve been reorganizing my Backstreet Boys photo collection where I found some that just made me go, “what the hell?

What is up with the photo used for this magazine cover? Disco balls? Silky silver shirts? I mean … and that little catch phrase .. “We’ll jingle your bells all right!” I MEAN WHAT?

Another photo above from that same photo shoot. I mean …

Nick Carter or Aladian?

I feel like they should be on an episode of “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” because they need some help. Whoever picked those outfits …

Are we a boy band or Gap models?

Who decided that the boys should do a photo with parakeets?

I have no words.

Some of these shirts aren’t bad … but Brian’s?

The big question here is what the hell are they watching on TV?

One thing we can say is that some of the boys’ early photoshoots gave us something questionable photos. Thank Goodness they are past that stage.

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